Report Abuse

At, we’re committed to maintaining a safe environment for all our users. If you encounter any suspicious or abusive content through our service, please report it immediately. Our automated systems and team is designed to ensure that your report is acted upon promptly.

Which category of abuse to select?

When you file a report with, it’s important to select the appropriate category on the reporting form. This helps us address the issue more efficiently. Please use one of the following categories, as appropriate:

  1. Phishing & Malware
    Use this category if the shortened link leads to a website attempting to steal personal information or distribute malicious software.

  2. Copyright Infringement
    Select this if the linked content violates copyright laws.

  3. Trademark Infringement
    Choose this option if the linked content misuses or infringes upon registered trademarks.

  4. Spam
    Use this category for links that lead to unsolicited bulk messages or promotional content.

  5. Inappropriate Content
    Select this for links leading to adult content, extreme violence, or other material unsuitable for general audiences.

  6. Violent Threats & Harassment
    Select this category for content containing threats, bullying, or harassment.

  7. Other Illegal Activities
    Use this for any other unlawful content not covered by the above categories.

If you’re unsure which category to select, or if the issue doesn’t fit into any of the above categories, please choose the “Other” option and provide as much detail as possible in your report.

Remember, accurate categorization helps us respond more quickly and effectively to abuse reports. Thank you for helping to keep safe for everyone.

Our review process

We take all reports seriously and aim to review them within 24-48 hours. If immediate action is required, we may temporarily disable the reported link while we investigate.

Jurisdiction of Enforcement Agencies